Shared Regulatory Services
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Tattooing and Piercing

Health and safety advice and guidance for tattoo and piercing including licensing and by-law compliance.

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Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) can help you if you are a tenant living in a private rented property and are experiencing difficulties.

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016

The Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 came into effect on 1 December 2022, affecting both private and social landlords, it is the biggest change to housing law in Wales for decades.

The worst case of neglect at a restaurant that we have come across in 15 years

A father and daughter have been ordered to pay £10,000 for a string of food hygiene and health and safety offences

Thousands of imported soft drinks removed from the UK market

Shared Regulatory Service (SRS) has removed thousands of imported American soft drinks and confectionery including Mountain Dew, Bang Energy, Cheetos & Takis due to them containing prohibited additives.

Trading Standards

Promote, maintain and ensure a fair and equitable trading environment whilst protecting the interests of consumers and local businesses

Training Courses

Training courses offered by Shared Regulatory Services in Bridgend, Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan

Training Courses

Training Courses

Two landlords hit with combined £23,000 fines for renting dangerous properties in Cardiff

Renting out dangerous properties in Cardiff has cost two landlords thousands of pounds
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