Noise Pollution
Advice and guidance to residents on matters relating to noise, including what we can and cannot help you with
- It is normal to hear a certain amount of noise from your neighbours:
- If your home is connected to or close to another building you will experience a certain amount of general living noise such as children crying, doors closing, banging, occasional shouting / arguing, household appliances etc.
- It is normal for dogs to bark sometime
- Building work or DIY will cause noise for a period of time

- People may have occasional parties to celebrate birthdays, weddings, religious events etc
- Businesses will generate a certain amount of noise in the course of their activity. This may be permitted by planning or licensing legislation.
However, if noise is excessive or as a result of unreasonable behaviour, we may be able to assist in certain cases.
Officers can assess whether the noise is a statutory nuisance and what action can be taken.
Before you report a noise problem to us, you may wish to try and approach your neighbour, who may not be aware that they are causing a problem (see below)
Noise complaints we can investigate include:
- Loud music
- Persistent dog barking / Animal noise
- Property/Car Alarms
- Noise from commercial properties
- Animal noise
- Musical instruments
- DIY at unreasonable times
Noise complaints we cannot investigate include:
- Transport related – road / rail / aircraft
- Children crying/playing
- Everyday living noises e.g. footfall, occasional shouting, banging, door slamming, the normal use of household appliances
- Noise in the street – people shouting, vehicle engines revving
- DIY at reasonable hours
- Busking / Street preaching
Before Reporting a problem
Our experience shows that often the person causing the noise is not aware of the impact it is having on others. An informal approach, particularly if it is between neighbours, can resolve the problem at an early stage and prevent it escalating into a bigger issue; it is acknowledged however, that this is not suitable in all cases. Click here for further information.
Report Noise Pollution
Before you report a noise problem to us, you should try to deal with the problem in person first, as outlined above. If you are unable to resolve the issue with the person responsible, you can report a nuisance noise to us:
Go to form
Cardiff Night-time Noise Service
Cardiff residents may report noise happening on a Friday or Saturday night to the Night-time Noise Service. Please click here for more details.
Who else may be able to help with your noise complaint?
Landlords have contracts with their tenants which they may be able to enforce. It is worth contacting landlords in the first instance if you are disturbed by their tenants.
Social landlords (Cardiff Council Housing and Housing Associations) also have tenancy agreements in place which may be enforced. In addition, social landlords have additional powers to take enforcement action under Anti-social behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It is worth contacting social landlords in the first instance if their tenants are causing noise that is disturbing you in your home.
To report anti-social behaviour caused by a council tenant please make contact with Bridgend County Borough Council, Cardiff Council, or Vale of Glamorgan Council.
To report anti-social behaviour caused by a housing association tenant please see contact details:
Housing Associations in Cardiff:
Housing Association in Bridgend and the Vale of Glamorgan.
South Wales Police handle complaints about Anti-Social Behaviour. They also deal with noise in streets.
Information may be shared with these and other partners to prevent and detect crime.
Zero-tolerance of abuse or inappropriate behaviour
The Council will not tolerate abuse or inappropriate behaviour towards our officers. Any person demonstrating inappropriate behaviour towards officers will not receive a response from the Night Time Noise Service and their details may be passed to South Wales Police.